Penzi Worldwide



As a teacher, one among the many roles I play apart from teaching is that being of a mentor to the students I teach. While teaching the form 2 class today, a students raises his hand and asks me whether there’s hope for a person that has engaged in so much of sexual sin.

And I know some of us may share the same question.

Here is my response to the question.

Upon receiving Christ and allowing Him to be Lord of your life, transformation takes place. What Christ offers you at this moment is what is called secondary virginity.

He makes you as good as new.

I referred with the students the passage in Luke 7:36-50 where Jesus restores a sinful woman who comes and falls at His feet and anoints them with expensive oil and washes His feet with her tears.

You may have engaged in sexual sin for so long that you fell for the lie that you would never come out of it. But here is the truth, God offers you freedom from any kind of slavery. He makes you brand new.

Jesus told this woman that her sins had been forgiven.

Are you looking for forgiveness? Guess what? Christ offers you more. He offers you restoration and liberty.

Lay all that baggage at his feet and receive His love. You are never a lost course. God loves you and He desires to work in you and through you to spread His word and Love.

Why don’t you let him in?

Pray this prayer with me.

Father in the name of Jesus, today I entrust my sexuality to you. I realize I have wandered away looking for love where I would never find it. I now realize how much you love me. I want to trust in you to help me live a sexually pure life. I denounce my association with sin and as from this moment onward, I choose to love righteously. I pray that you send me the Holy Spirit to constantly remind me that my body is His Temple. Forgive me for my past sin and help me to be a witness of your love to those still living in sin.

This is my prayer in Jesus name. Amen!!

If you made that prayer, your sins are forgiven, go and sin no more.

Go spread the love of Christ to others!

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